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In order to implement its activities, Ol Moran Catholic Parish has developed several facilities, both at the Parish Centre and in the Local Churches.
At the Parish Centre there are: the Parish Church, Fathers’ House, Sisters House, Guest House, Workers Quarter, Pastoral Centre, Dispensary, Hekima House Students Catholic Hostel, the Magnificat House for disabled children, a Carpentry, Stores, Bakery, Scout Base and the main Borehole.
Other buildings (temporary or permanent) essential for the Christian Communities are developing also in the Local Churches, such as churches, meeting halls, and other services.
The Parish aims to become more self-reliant financially thanks to:
Financial supports received from well-wishers are mostly invested in educational and charitable projects.
The Parish Church
The building of the Parish Church is one of the main projects in the Mission’s history, that involved all the communities, groups and families of the Parish. The works started opened in November 2012 and were completed in May 2015, with the inauguration and Dedication of the Church. The project was donated by the Italian Architect Stefano Battaglia, and the works were entrusted to ROBKAM Building Contractors from Nyahururu.
The book “The Church of Saint Mark in Ol Moran”, printed in 2018, is a good record about the development of the project, with a wide photographic documentation. You can request a copy of the book writing to the Parish email: saintmark@olmoran.it.
Other Ongoing Projects:
Renovation of the Pastoral Centre which is used by the local community for meetings, seminar and social activities.
Water Harvesting: adding water tanks the capacity of water storage will increase. Rainwater collection is an energy saving strategy of great help.
The Parish Farm is developing with the introduction of drip irrigation system, which avoids wastage of water and favours production even during the dry season.
Forestation and Environment Care: The Mission is committed to contributing to the care of the environment both through education and awareness, as well as practical strategies, like the Parish Tree Nursery and specific program of tree planting, using the Parish Agroforestry Lands and other Parish Lands.